
  • Sukhdeep Singh


Soil Contamination,, Heavy Metals,, Geoaccumulation Index,, Industrial,, urban effluents


Industries produce tons of pollutants and effluent every year. The disposal of untreated municipal, industrial and agricultural wastewaters into water resources have degraded the standard of surface waters in different parts of the planet. Theses Industrial pollutants include different kinds of Heavy metals. These metals in soils are of great environmental concern, the aim of this study is to determine heavy metal content in the surface soil from the vicinity of Buddha Nullah stream and Sutlej River's from village Walipur and Ladhowal of Punjab and also in groundwater samples via hand pumps/Tube wells at villages near Buddha Nullah in Ludhiana district namely Walipur and Ladhowal, and evaluate the contamination levels of nearly 20 soil samples and 20 underground water samples which were collected and analyzed for Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Fe and Ni contents using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Soil texture, physical phenomenon, pH, total organic content, and ion exchange capability were collectively measured additionally with this Metal pollution load index (MPLI) of Cr, Mn, Cu, Zn, As, Sb, Cd, Hg, and U were analyzed at both the selected sites of Ludhiana city. In the investigated soils, the mean recorded concentrations of the heavy metals were 10.41 mg/kg f ff or Cu, 0.083 mg/kg for Ni, 0.107 mg/ kg for Cd, 68.72 mg/kg for Fe, 8.59 mg/kg for Zn and 37.11 mg/kg for Pb. The reported results indicate that the enrichment factors of the measured heavy metals were 3.05, >0.1, 0.41, and 3.47 for copper, nickel, zinc, and lead respectively. Many of the essential elements were also either found to be in higher concentrations or deficient than permissible limits. Hand pump water has not been found a secure supply of water because its faucets into shallow aquifers having several significant metals in terribly higher concentrations. I-geo (accumulation index) values of the metals within the soils below the study indicate that they're uncontaminated to slightly contaminate with nickel and iron however extremely contaminated with copper and lead. The Buddha Nullah pollutes the Sutlej watercourse as numerous reports showcased that several factories rather than treating the effluents, inject these into the earth through deep-bore wells.


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How to Cite

Sukhdeep Singh. (2021). ANALYSIS OF HEAVY METALS CONTAMINATION ON GROUNDWATER RESOURCES AND SURFACE SOILS IN THE VICINITY OF BUDDHA NULLAH STREAM IN LUDHIANA, PUNJAB. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from